Scribd 3.1.5 android download

Scribd 3.1.5

Scribd 3.1.5's Description

Scribd is the world’s online library with over 50 million books, documents and written works, all available for free or with one monthly subscription.
With the free Scribd app, discover and read millions of free works including short stories, excerpts, study guides, recipes, how-to guides, and presentations.
Additionally, subscribe for just $8.99 / month and unlock unlimited access to thousands of full-length popular books, including bestsellers and new releases in every genre.
Scribd seamlessly syncs where you left off between your devices and lets you save offline for reading without an internet connection.
* Features include *
** Read millions of books and documents
** Beautiful, customizable reading experience
** Save for offline reading
** Sync saved content across devices &
** Personalized recommendations based on your reading history

 Download Scribd 3.1.5